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Solemnly, Commemoration of National Santri Day 2022 at GOR Satria Purwokerto

Appearance of the Darussalam Dukuhwaluh Islamic Boarding School Santri in the 2022 National Santri Day Ceremony

Purwokerto (22/10/2022) – National Santri Day (HSN) is a mandate from the Presidential Decree (Keppres) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2015 concerning Santri Day. This is a high appreciation of the state for the contribution of Islamic boarding school clerics in the process of state independence, especially the fatwa on the Resolution of Jihad which culminated in the events of November 10, 1945 in Surabaya. The decision is also a form of state recognition for the contribution of the pesantren world in the development of human resources and the integrity of the Indonesian nation and state.

In Banyumas Regency, after the pandemic, for the first time the commemoration of National Santri Day was held openly at GOR Satria Purwokerto. With the theme “Empowering to Maintain Human Dignity”, the commemoration ceremony for the 2022 National Santri Day was led by the Deputy Regent of Banyumas, Drs. H. Sadewo Tri Lastiono, MM. Taking place solemnly, the ceremony was attended by hundreds of santri, pesantren leaders, Islamic organizations, TNI, Polri and forkompinda Banyumas district. This 2022 National Santri Day activity also refers to the SE protocol of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of the 2022 Santri Day Commemoration Flag Ceremony.

In the mandate of the inspector of ceremonies, Deputy Regent Sadewo Tri Lastiono delivered the remarks of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. It was stated that the ulama, in this case the Kyai, were actively involved in efforts to defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The Fatwa of the Jihad Resolution on October 22, 1945 was welcomed by Muslims until the heroic incident on November 10, 1945 as a form of rejection of the Dutch infiltration that was riding the NICA troops in Surabaya. This event was later immortalized as a commemoration of Heroes' Day.

The theme of "Empowering to Maintain Human Dignity" on the commemoration of National Santri Day 2022 emphasizes the role and contribution of students in efforts to maintain human dignity in the nation and state. These roles and responsibilities are the shared mandate of every Indonesian citizen. The world of pesantren is expected to be istiqamah in preaching the value of hifzhul nafs (human dignity) in the midst of society. Friendly teachings of Islam by upholding the dignity of humanity and nationalism are the main provisions in the development of the country. The Deputy Regent at the same time invited all participants of the 2022 National Santri Day ceremony to pray for the martyrs, ulama, kiai and students who have participated in the struggle to liberate the Indonesian nation.
