
If discuss in detail what and how the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (ASWAJA) is very long and requires a lot of time to write, because I was trying to find posts about the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah in some Blogger site Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah and I finally found it.
Definition of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (ASWAJA)
Can be understood that the definition wa Ahl Al congregation there are two parts: the definition of general and specific definitions.
* Definition Aswaja In general: one group or class that is always committed to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet. And Thoriqoh his companions in terms of beliefs, physical amaliyah (jurisprudence) and the fact (Tasawwuf and Akhlaq).
* While the definition Aswaja specifically is: Those who have the inclination / direction beliefs with confidence and Maturidiyah Asya'iroh pilgrims.
In fact Aswaja definition specifically stated are not juz of definitions in general, because understanding Ahlussunnah Asya'iroh and commitment are the ones who cling to the teachings of the Prophet and his companions in terms of belief. but naming those Asya'iroh with the name Al Ahli Sunnah Wa Jamaat just skedar provide juz name using the name kulli.
Syaih Al Baghdadi in his book Al farqan Bainal Firoq said: today we do not find a group that is committed to the teachings of the Prophet and his Ahl wal except the congregation. Neither of Rafidah, khowarij, Jahmiyyah, Jariyah, musbihah, ghulat, khululiyah, Wahabiyah and others. He also specified; that element waljamaah Alussunnah comprised of Imam jurists, scholars of Hadith, Tafsir, the ascetic Sufiyah, scholars lughat and scholars who cling paa other Member Sunnah wal aqidah pilgrims.
Briefly it can be concluded that the Ahlu Sunna wal congregation is everyone walking and always set the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions as a legal basis both in matter of faith, the Shari'a and tasawwuf.
II. Understanding Sunnah and teachings
Etymologically sentence is Thoriqoh Sunnah (way) although not get ridlo. Whereas the meaning of the Sunnah in terminlogi the name of a street that mendapakan ridlo which had been taken by the Prophet, the Caliphs' al Rosyidin and Salaf Al Sholihin. As has been explained by the Prophet:
عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين من بعدي
Follow my actions and the actions of the khlafaurrosyidin after wafatku.
While the meaning of the sentence is a group of pilgrims who have greatness within Islam from among the Companions, Followers and Atba 'Attabi'in and all the scholars' Salaf As solihin.
Every doctrine based on Shari'a and Usul Al Fur'nya and never done by the Prophet and his Companions, of course, is in accordance with the teachings of the Sunnah wa aal aqidah pilgrims as: Tarawih Prayers, birds, read blessings, visiting graves, mendo 'will be dead etc.
III. definition of heresy
Heresy in Na'na terminology (Islamic law) according syaih Batuberian Zaruq in his book Al Marid are all new things in religion that resembles one of the forms of religion but in fact is not included on the part of religion, both in terms of its form or the side reality. And these things effectively as if part of a horse Islam by reading verses of the Qur'an and prayers to the accompaniment of musical instruments are banned, the belief of the Mu'tazilah, Qodariyah, Shiites, including ideologies liberal lively lately. Because it is based on a verse of the Quran:
"وما كان صلاتهم عند البيت الا مكاء وتصدية" الانفال 35
Their prayers at the Sacred House, is nothing but whistling and clapping. Then taste the punishment for your disbelief. Surah Al Anfal 35
And Hadith of the Prophet, which reads:
عن أم المؤمنين أم عبد الله عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد".
Of A'isha RA. The Prophet said: Whoever created a new thing in this matter is not included among those who do so will be rejected.
HR. Bukhari and Muslim
أحدث sentence in the above hadith implies create and invent something that is constituted of lust. While أمرنا sentence contains a definition of religion and Shari'a which has been in Ridlohi by Allah SWT.
Allah also says in a hadith:
وروى مسلم في صحيحه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يقول في خطبته: "خير الحديث كتاب الله, وخير الهدى هدى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم, وشر الأمور محدثاتها, وكل محدثة بدعة, وكل بدعة ضلالة" ورواه البيهقي وفيه زيادة "وكل ضلالة في النار "
The Apostle said: "the most good is his book of hadith Allah, and most good guidance is the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, and the most ugly thing is all things new, and everything new is an innovation, and every innovation is heresy". HR. Muslim and also narrated by Imam Bayhaqi with the addition of the phrase "any matter deviant houses in hell".
Of the two above hadith scholars explain that, in principle, innovation is changing due to a new law for believing something that is not part of religion as one part of religion, does not mean every new thing then categorized heresy, because a lot of new things in accordance with Proposition Al Syar'ah and not categorized as heresy, or new things that fit Furu 'al-Sharia, which still may be in use by road or drawing an analogy to exclude categories of heresy . means not all the new ritual immediately categorized as a ritual act of heresy as a pre seven days, 40 days and one hundred days of the death of a corpse, visiting graves, tawassul, pray for the dead, etc.
As Imam Muhmmad Waliyuddin Syabsiri Arba'n Nawawi in Sharh Hadith of the Prophet explains the meaning of the berbunyai:
من أحدث حدثا او آوى محدثا فعليه لعنة الله
Whoever creates new things or new things mak protect inventors he earned the curse of Allah.
The above hadith include various forms of innovation such as the Declaration imperfect form, giving law without Sciences, embezzlement and all things that are not in accordance with law. But when a new item is still in accordance with the Shari'ah qonun not include categories such as writing Manuscripts heresy, straighten schools, writes science nahwu, etc. reviewed.
Syaih Izzuddin son Abdis Salam classify new things (Bid'ah) into five law are:
1. Heresy required such as: learn ashes, and lafad-lafad the ghorib in Al-Qur'an and Hadith dn all disciplines who act as intermediaries to understand the law.
2. Heresy Haram as: Understand Madzhab Qodariah, jabariah and Mujassimah.
3. Heresy Sunnah Like: Establish cottage, Madrasah and all the good things that have never been found in the past.
4. Heresy Makruh Like: Decorate mosques and Qur'an.
5. Heresy amended as: Mushofahah (handshake) after Fajr and Asr prayers etc.
IV. Heresy classification criteria
In characterizing the new things that cause legal consequences vary, scholars have made three criteria in this matter.
1. If the act is to have a solid foundation in the form of propositions syar'i, either partially (juz'i) or the public, it is not classified as heresy, and if there is no argument that was backed up, then that is heresy prohibited .
2. Pay attention to what the teachings of scholars 'Salaf (Ulama' in the century I, II and III H, if he had been taught by them, or have a strong foundation of teaching the rules that they make, then the act is not classified as heresy.
3. By way of qiyas. The act of the measure with some existing legal amaliah of Nash Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Once synonymous with illegal acts, then the new act was classified as a banned heresy. When has similarities with the mandatory, then that should be classified as a new act. And so it goes.
V. New things that do not belong Heresy
Heresy of the meaning of the above, provide an outcome or conclusion that there are some charities that are in accordance with the Shari'ah heresy and thus there is a legal prophetic and fardlu kifayah. Therefore, Imam Shafi'i said:
"ما أحدث وخالف كتابا او سنة او إجماعا او أثرا فهو البدعة الضالة, وما أحدث من الخير ولم يخالف شيئا من ذلك فهو البدعة المحمودة"
"The new thing which is not in accordance with the Book of Al-Qur'an, Sunnah, ijma 'and Atsar companions including heresy heretic, and new things that are good and not contrary to the guidelines is commendable, it includes heresy"
1. Visiting the graves.
No doubt at all, that the law made a pilgrimage to the graves of relatives or netbooks' is sunnah, and this has been agreed by all scholars. There are many hadith that explains kesunnahan visiting graves, which are:
عن بريدة قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "قد كنت نهيتكم عن زيارة القبور فقد أذن لمحمد في زيارة قبر أمه فزورها فإنها تذكر الآخرة. رواه الترمذي
"From Buraidah. He said: The Messenger of Allah said, "I forbid you ever visiting graves, but now Muhammad had given permission for pilgrimage kemakam mother. So now dead! because the act may remind you of the Hereafter. HR. Al Thirmidzi
Visiting the graves also sunnah mu'akkad do at the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad and also the tombs of the prophets, in fact some scholars who requires visiting graves kemakam Prophet for people who come to the city of Medina. But preferably when someone wants to make a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet shall intention pilgrimage to the mosque of the Prophet and afterwards perform a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet in a way say the phrase "السلام عليك يا رسول الله" with sura full of plans and procedures karma. Mentioned in a Hadith:
من زارني بعد مماتي فكأنما زارني في حياتي} رواه الدارقطني, وابن ماجه,}
Whoever visits me after wafatku, it is as if he would make a beeline to me at the time of my life
من زار قبري وجبت له شفاعتي عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "From Ibn Umar RA. The Messenger of Allah said: Whosoever kemakamku pilgrimage, then it will definitely get Syafa'at (help) by" HR. Al Thobroni
Tawassul sentence in language is an attempt to draw closer to Allah SWT. Wasilah meaning is created by God Almighty. As intermediaries to draw closer to Allah SWT. And doors leading to the desired needs. Allah Almighty says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وابتغوا إليه الوسيلة وجاهدوا في سبيله لعلكم تفلحون
O ye who believe! Fear Allah and seek means of nearness to Him and strive hard in His way, so that you may be successful.
Surah Al Maidah: 35
Thus, tawassul nothing more than an attempt to draw closer to Allah SWT, while the medium is a medium in such efforts. Its main objective is none other than to draw closer to Allah SWT, not an iota of confidence associating God. (Shirk).
Tawassul abilities have also been mentioned by the Prophet in the hadith:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, "توسلوا بي وبأهل بيتي الى الله فإنه لا يرد متوسل بنا"
"The Messenger of Allah said: Bertawassullah you with me and with my family, with real people bertawassul I will not be denied" (HR.Ibnu Hibban)
3. Tabarruk (Looking Blessings)
On the etymology of the word blessing mean increase, expand. Furthermore, the word used in the sense of increasing barokah pros and kenuliyaan. So Barokah is confidential and God grant that it will increase the good deeds of practice., To grant the wishes, refused to open the door to evil and with good grace of Allah SWT. From this sense of baraka is part of God's mercy and grace. Allah Almighty says:
وجعلني مباركا أينما كنت. مريم 31
"And he made me blessed wheresoever I be," Surah Maryam, 31
"رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت" هود 73
"Grace of Allah and His blessings, poured upon you, O people of the House!
Scholars have often talked about the law takes baraka, and concluded that taking blessing of a person, place or thing provided that it is permissible to be done in ways that deviate Shari'ah of Allah SWT.
Here are the arguments of the ability to take the blessing:
وقال لهم نبيهم إن آية ملكه أن يأتيكم التابوت فيه سكينة من ربكم وبقية مما ترك آل موسى وآل هارون تحمله الملائكة إن في ذلك لآية لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين. البقرة 248
And their Prophet said to them: "A Sign of his authority, is the Ark of the covenant, in which there is tranquility from your Lord and a remnant of the house of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. Verily in this is a sign for you, if you are beriman.QS: Al-Baqarah 248
عن ابن جدعان: قال ثابت لأنس رضي الله عنه: أمسست النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال نعم فقبلها. رواه البخاري
"From Ibn Jad'a, said Thabit to Anas: Is your hand never touched the Prophet? He said: yes, then Thabit kissed". HR. Bukhari
Narrated by Al Khotib of Ali from Maimonides, said: I heard Imam Shafi'i said: "Truly I take barokah of Abu Khanifah and I went to his grave every day, so if I had a wish, I prayed two rak'ats and went to the tomb of Abu Hanifa ago prayer requests to God. soon hajatku fulfilled ".
In conclusion, taking the blessing of the righteous is a commendable act. What was done by the companions of the Prophet and the strengthening of the Prophet enough to be used as evidence.
4. Selamatan & Pray for the dead
The ritual of praying for the dead was common even have become customary java whenever there is one family that died they hold salvation on the Day of the 7th or the 40th of the death of his family by inviting local neighbors and asked for help to read the letter Yasin, a religious and pray 'to a corpse.
The foregoing allowed under Shari'a, even the reward of deeds which can be up to the deceased. Is not reading the Qur'an, a religious and charitable, serves treats for the guests is part of the charity Worship. In a hadith mentioned:
عن أنس رضي الله عنه, أن النبي صلى عليه وسلم سئل فقال السائل يا رسول الله إنا نتصدق عن موتانا ونحج عنهم وندعو لهم هل يصل ذلك إليهم? قال: نعم إنه ليصل إليهم وإنهم ليفرحون به كما يفرح أحدكم بالطبق إذا أهدي إليهم. رواه ابو حفص العكبري
From Anas. Indeed, the Prophet asked someone: "O Messenger of Allah, our charity, and pilgrimage that we allocate rewards our people who have died and we pray for the brand, whether due to them? The Prophet answered: Yes, exactly due to to them and they are very happy as happy when you receive a gift. HR. Abu Khafs Al Akbari.
VI. Religious Reform Brief
When emphasizes intellectual passions and passionate enthusiasm on the pretext of religious devotion without the understanding of religion is true, then what happens is precisely renewals deviate from the teachings brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW. This discussion will highlight the reformer-reformer (mujaddid) Islam who has done much deviation from the teachings of Islam.
1. Understand Ibn Taymiyyah
At the end of the 600 H, there was a man of genius who has mastered many different types of disciplines, he Taqiyuddin Ahmad bin Abdul Hakim, known as Ibn Taymiyyah. He was born in the village of Wonder, a small village in Palestine. He was a contemporary of Imam Nawawi one scholar; Shafi'i madhhab site.
It is a personal being brave character, who always devote everything to madzhabnya, with courage he had, he had discovered new things that are taboo and far from the truth, because that is the basic stance is to interpret the verses and hadiths prophet Muhammad in connection with the properties of god according to the dlohir Timer meaning, ie only harfiyah only, therefore according to Ibn Taymiyyah "God has a face, hands, ribs and eyes, sitting cross-legged, dating and go, God is light, sky and the earth because he said all of that mentioned in the Qur'an ".
Controversy he spoke not only limited to the issues theology, but also the science of jurisprudence offend some problems:
* Traveling with the purpose of pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad after his death his legal vices
* Talak three did not happen when pronounced with time (only dropped one)
* A man who vowed to divorce his wife, then it violated his oath, the divorce was not happening.
2. Understand Wahabi
In the mid-12th century came a man named Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab who lived in Najd which includes the Hijaz, he was born in the year 1111 H, and died in 1207 H. at first it deepens knowledge of religious scholars; Sunnis in Makkah and Madinah include syaih Muhammad Sulaiman Al Kurdi and syaih Muhammad Hayyan Assindi, among the teachers who had taught him knowledge, long before he made a movement has sensed that at some day it belongs to the people of sinners, and even then finally become fact, this feeling is shared by father and brother (Sheikh Sulaiman).
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab in his youth a lot of reading books by Ibn Taymiyyah and other leaders who have gone astray, so ahirnya understand Wahabiyah build a centralized land of Hijaz as the successor of the baton from the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah, even more extreme and radical than Ibn Taymiyyah own because it is very easy to label reject anyone who does not want to follow it. Measures it would take in developing the ideology is to provide new enhancements of the resumption of the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah believes.
* Understand basic points wahabiyah
1. God is a mass that has a face, hands and houses as well as the occasional mahluq up and down to earth.
2. PROOF mengedapankan aqli Naqli of arguments and did not give any space in mind in matters pertaining to religion (belief)
3. Denying Ijma '(consensus)
4. Reject qiyas (analogy)
5. Do not allow Taqlid to Ulama 'Mujtahidin and mengkufurkan to anyone who taqlid to them
6. Mengkufurkan to Muslims who do not Allah.ead teachings
7. Prohibit hard bertawassul to God through the intermediary of the prophets, sages and men religious
8. sentence to reject those who swear by the name of other than Allah
9. punish unbelievers to anyone who vows to other than Allah.
10. The judge rejected the muthlak to anyone who slaughters side of the tombs of the prophets or those Sholeh.
Wahabiyah doctrinal developments which allegedly by scholars in the end also got our homeland Indonesia, it begins with the rise of movements in the early 20th century religious masked.
Begins with the formation of the organization in 1908 Wathoniyah M. followed the organization of Islamic States in the same year, only dabbled in trade issues. And formed a mass peak on December 18, 1912 by a scholar who berfaham Wahabi, although the organization is more oriented to religious social problems, but this country of his birth on earth caused a rift between Muslim Indonesia, which generally understand Ahli Sunnah Wal-wing congregation,
Propaganda made by Wahhabi scholars is to approach the public, after the fall then they issue new tricks are even more dangerous effects, ie by planting the seeds of hostility and a sense of sentiment on the scholars' Salaf and those who do not Allah.ead them.
3. Understand Islam
The founder of this group named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, he was born in the village Qodliyan Punjab Pakistan in 1836 AD he not only claimed to be the Mahdi awaited, mujaddid and savior, but he is 54 years old after he proclaimed himself the last prophet after prophet Muhammad SAW and really get a revelation from Allah SWT.
Points Ahmadiyah understand that deviate from the Shari'ah
1. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the last prophet
2. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was Jesus promised.
3. Shari'a is not perfect, but executed by the Shari'ah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
4. Liberal Islam Network
Lately fanfare and flow of thought that emerged among Muslims in Indonesia so swift, so that implicates a seemingly limitless freedom. Here and there popping flow and sects, including one of which is the Liberal Islam Network (JIL).
As a community whose slogan is "friendly toward Islam, tolerant and liberating" JIL appear like an alternative that is so intellectual and intelligent. They are so offensive that succeeded in creating a network with no less than 51 newspapers and 68 radio Hyang make some show broadcast by KBR 68 H network throughout Indonesia. So no wonder when thoughts are so powerful influence on mankind.
Schools of liberal Islam Indonesia is a school of thought that emphasizes the freedom of thought and no longer bound by schools in Islam religious thought (especially Islam) in general, beyond the boundaries of thinking sectarian and political organization. For Madzhab liberal, the most important is the tradition of critical importance and necessity of Deconstruction on the understanding that has developed hundreds of years. Islam should be understood in a modern and rational, because Islam is a religion that is rational and emphasize rationality in the concrete form of ADSL. Islam must be understood in context, progressive and emancipatory. With this understanding then Islam will progress, not regression.
In fortify the beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal congregation that still exist and be a role model of society, it is of course necessary to apply a precise method and was not impressed radicals. Efforts presentation about the importance of maintaining the beliefs majority Sunni worshipers can be reached in various ways, such as providing a deep understanding of the nature and dangers Aswaja follow faham- misguided ideology that emerged through special meetings or through assemblies dhikr, when people gathered at the mosque to perform the prayer or study and various other religious moment.
Islam teaches its followers to preaching and to invite each other to the right path in ways that are commendable, it was described in the Qur'an and Hadith. As well as encouraging the teaching of Islam with wisdom or evidences and arguments with mau'idlah also available in the following verse of the Qur'an, and it certainly should be using good manners and good manners. Because Islam is synonymous with fine advice and away from violence.
Many media that we could use to convey the values of Aswaja to the wider community that is still practiced minimal because of the lack of a sense of caring nahdliyin.
Optimization Functions Masjid
Actually, the original function of the building of mosques in addition to prayer as described by Imam Samarqondi is as a place for worship, Takbir, a religious, Islamic Broadcasting and away from shirk. Therefore it is time for Ta'mir mosques and religious leaders to apply these functions to provide Khalaqah When there are certain times to convey the values Aswaja understand the purpose of saving people understand the influence of sinners.
Therefore, the optimization function is used as a mosque by way of a vertical media delivery aqidah very mutlaq required dizaman now, given the danger of new ideologies of Islam under the guise but far deviated from Islamic values perfectly.
When the optimization efforts we have done, people will understand a little more about Aswaja and hazard end-cult. And mosques that we have ever seen the benefits and functions. Do not let the Masjid that we care and that we live everyday classes taken over by irresponsible as has been reported in a site that is NU Online:
Religious life in Indonesia increasingly unsafe. A group of people on behalf of Islam has been haphazard taking over mosques belonging to citizens (NU) NU by reason of heresy and condemned him homage.
Allah says in the Qur'an:
ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن إن ربك هو أعلم بمن ضل عن سبيله وهو أعلم بالمهتدين. النحل 125
Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a good way. Truly, your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best those who receive guidance. "Surah An Nahl 125
فقولا له قولا لينا لعله يتذكر أو يخشى طه: 44
Speak to him (Moses and Aaron) to him (Pharaoh) with words of gentleness, hopefully he remembers or fear. "Surah Taha 44
وقولوا للناس حسنا البقرة 83
and speak fair to the people. "Surah Al Baqarah 83
The above verses explain to Muslims that the invitation to the way of Allah, by scholars of Islam should be interpreted with wisdom, and wisdom is referred to in the above paragraph by scholars interpreted by burhan (proof) or arguments, God also instructed to invite with great Mau'idlah or warning.


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