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Social Attitudes Nahdlatul Ulama

a. Tawassuth attitude and i'tidal

Attitude to the middle of that core principles that uphold life must be fair and straight in the middle of the religious life. Nahdlatul Ulama with this basic attitude will always be a group of role models who behave and act straight and always be constructive and avoid any kind of approach tatharruf (extreme);

b. attitude tasamuh

Tolerant attitude towards dissent both in religious matters, especially things that are furu` or a problem khilafiyah, as well as in social and cultural issues.

c. attitude tawazun

Poise in berkhidmah. KHIDMAH adapt to Allah SWT, KHIDMAH to fellow human beings and the environment. Align the interests of past, present and future.

d. Amar nahi ruf

Always have a sensitivity to encourage good deeds, useful and beneficial to the common life, and reject and prevent all the things that can upset and lowered values of life. *)

Foot Note:
     *) The results of Nahdlatul Ulama Conference XXVII No. 02 / MNU-27/1984, Khitthah Nahdlatul Ulama, in RESOLUTIONS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF 1992 NU Religious Experts in Bandar Lampung, 18 Rajab 1412 H / January 23, 1992


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